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Useful Information

School Day Timings

Classroom doors open at 8.40am for an 8.45am start.

End of the school day is 3.15pm.


PE Day: Friday


Forest Explorers: Monday

The children will take part in outdoor Forest Explorer activities with Mrs Fear.

Please make sure your child has a named pair of wellies (preferably to be kept at school) and a waterproof coat on this day. 


What to bring to school everyday                               

  • Named water bottle
  • Book bag
  • Named jumper or cardigan
  • Named coat
  • Fruit - School fruit is provided daily and includes pears, apples, bananas, tomatoes, carrots and raisins. However, as we do not know what will arrive each day you may want to provide a healthy snack for break time to ensure your child has something they like. This can be a piece of fruit or a fruit or cereal bar (NO chocolate bars or crisps). Please note that we are also a nut free school.
  • Sharing book and Reading Record (These will be given out in the coming days).



Your child will be able to have milk everyday until the day of their 5th birthday after which you will be contacted by the school dairy. You then have the option to pay to continue ordering directly from them if required.



All children are entitled are free school meals until the end of Key Stage One. You are also welcome to bring a packed lunch. Please support your child to use their cutlery and practice cutting up their food so that they can do this more independently while at school.



To help your child identify their bookbag quickly you may want to put one small keyring on their bookbag. Please check these regularly for letters.



Please try and hear your child read every day and record in their reading record when you have read with them. For our whole school reading challenge we count all the reads that your child does with an adult in school and at home. Reads will be counted at the end of each week.



We will also be sending home a phoneme booklet and common exception words for your child to learn over the year.


Show and Tell

The children will have the opportunity to share any news with the class throughout the week during our circle time sessions. We will share a timetable for Show and Tell sessions to ensure everyone has an opportunity. This term we are focusing on sharing our ‘Special Boxes’. 



Please ensure you have completed the permission form and registered an email address with us. Tapestry will be used to share your child’s learning with you, and you will be able to log in and see photographs and comments about what they have been doing at school. You can also comment on these and send us messages. We also use the Memo section to send reminders and messages home.



If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. We are here to help as much as we can. Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you.


Mrs Fear and Mrs Sims  
