This term our learning theme is "Where shall we go today?". During our learning theme we will be finding out about some of the natural wonders of our world and where they are located and how we can look after our natural world. We will be exploring floating and sinking and the properties of different materials. We will also be looking at some similarities and differences between things in the past and now with a focus on pirates and the seaside.
Here are some of the stories that we will be using to support our learning.
Pirate Wow Day!
What a fantastic day we had being a pirate crew! We enjoyed lots of pirate stories - particularly 'Pirates Love Underpants' and were very excited to get a letter from Captain Blackbeard asking us to look after his treasure that he had hidden in the school grounds. We had to follow the clues and did a great job working out where they led until we finally found the x that marked the spot! We decorated and ate pirate cupcakes, made treasure maps, parrots and built pirate ships. Everyone enjoyed following instructions as the pirate ship crew where we climbed the rigging, scrubbed the deck and survived a shark attack! Then it was time for a game of cannon ball fire in our teams and some of us had to walk the plank! Well done pirate crew - you are now fully qualified pirates!
This week we enjoyed a visit from the RNLI Beach buddies. We enjoyed meeting the different characters to help us learn about how to stay safe at the beach. The Beach Buddies talked to us about;
-life guards that we might see at the beach and how they can help us
-the different flags at the beach and what they mean
-the importance of learning to float
-to take our rubbish home with us
- to stay away from the sinking mud
Tasting our peas!
We have really looked after our plants well in Robin class and were very excited to be able to pick and taste the peas we have grown. There were not quite enough pods to have one each so we decided to carefully open the shells and share out the peas inside so everyone could enjoy some! Great growing Robins!