Our new learning theme this term is 'Who can help us?'. We will be thinking all about superheroes from local heroes in our community to caped crusaders! During this learning theme we will be thinking about the different jobs people have and how they help us. In particular we will be thinking about Emergency workers and how they help keep us save. We will also be learning about the importance of brushing our teeth and washing our hands to help look after ourselves and keep us healthy. If you feel that you have a expertise in this area and would like to share with the children the job that you do, please get in touch with us.
These are some of the texts that we will be reading and exploring this term...
We have enjoyed exploring our new theme by dressing up in our costume and building our own fire engine.
The children were able to think about the importance of Shrove Tuesday to some Christians as a time of having to go without or giving something up that they really love or enjoy for 40 days. The Robin class children were able to think about something that they would find really hard to give up for lent.
I wouldn't be pancake day if we didn't try some pancakes!
We each tried some pancakes and decided which topping we liked the most.
The children in Robin Class enjoyed a visit from the North Somerset Sports for Schools coaches. The children took part in lots of different activities and games focusing on target skill. They really enjoyed their afternoon.
We enjoyed celebrating World Book day by sharing stories in our Crew groups. Robins also met up with Stepping stones to share our World book day costumes and go on a scavenger hunt to find different things in story books around the room. We shared our costumes and thought hard about a word that could describe our costume or who we had come dressed as.
As part of our learning about people who help us, we learned about Florence Nightingale. We learned that she was a nurse looking after soldiers over 200 years ago and she taught people about the importance of keeping things clean to stop the spread of germs and diseases.
We carried out our own investigation into the best way to wash our hands to stop our glitter germs spreading. We enjoyed spreading our Glitter germs around the class and we surprised to see they went everywhere!
We made our own predictions about whether it would be best just wiping our hands, rinsing our hands in water or using soap and water to wash away our glitter germs. We had great fun exploring and investigating.
We also loved joining in with the story of Dirty Bertie. " No Bertie, that's dirty Bertie!"
We enjoyed a visit from Rocky and Rachel who talked about their job and how they help people in our local community. We particularly enjoyed trying on the different Police hats and looking inside the Police car.