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Terms 5-6 2017

Eel Release Day

On Thursday 13th July, Years 4, 5 and 6 went to Blagdon Lake to release our elvers into the reservoir. Kingfisher Class started the day by taking part in a nature trail around the lake, we enjoyed learning about the different sections of the reservoir and the wildlife that lives in and around it. We looked at the eel passes and learnt more about how important they are with helping the eels on their journey.

After lunch, we carefully released our elvers into the lake and then worked in groups to create some eel collages to remind us of our time looking after them. We enjoyed learning more about these fascinating creatures and we hope they continue to thrive in the lake!




North Somerset Countryside Day 2017

Mill on the Brue Residential 2017

On Wednesday 7th July, Year 5 and 6 children from Kingfisher and Kestrel Classes went to Mill on the Brue Activity Center for two nights. They had lots of fun taking part in a wide variety of activities, including: slip and slide, crate stack, rifle shooting, zip wire and raft building. For more photos, see the About Us- Gallery!

Save the Eels!

On Monday 3rd July, Kingfisher Class had another visit from the Avon Wildlife Trust to continue their learning about eels. We discussed how our care of the eels is going and learnt about some of the hazards that have led to the eel population becoming more and more endangered. After that, we were challenged to come up with our own campaigns to encourage people to protect the eels. You can see photos of some of our ideas below.



Summer Night Poem by Louisa Tompkins

The lights went shimmer shine on the trees and more.

My brother and I fled through the weeds and the light flickered  once more.

I took his hand and held it tight as we disappeared into the night;

I was scared but there was nothing I could do but dream of home

And the midnight blue.


Elvers Arrive!

This term Kingfisher Class are one of the classes in charge of looking after some baby eels. This is a project we are doing with Kier construction and Avon Wildlife Trust so that we can learn more about these fascinating creatures. So far we have learnt about the long journey they have made from the Sargasso Sea in Bermuda in order to reach us! We have also learnt about the hazards they face as they journey up the river and played a game to see how tough it is being an eel.



We are taking it in turns to feed and care for the elvers each day and will be taking them to Blagdon Lake to release them back into the wild when they are a bit older. The tank is outside the staff room so come and take a look!



Year 4 Visit to National Police Dog Trials in Portishead



Whole School Focus

This term we are having a real focus on getting back to basics in maths, making sure that all the children in the school are confident with key skills like times tables and number bonds. We are also working on improving children's reading comprehension; using Guided Reading and whole class reading sessions to work on our reading skills.


This term is also full of lots of fun sports activities with our Fun Run and Sports Day to look forward to.


Our Class

The whole school theme for this term is 'What makes our world wonderful?' and Kingfisher Class will be learning about our Extreme Earth including: volcanoes, earthquakes, climate change and biomes.



This term is also when Kingfisher Class go swimming every Friday afternoon so please make sure your child has their swimming kit in school on those days.


For English this term, our class text is 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. The children will be exploring this text and using the story to support them in writing newspaper reports.


Also in Terms 5 and 6, Kingfisher Class will be rehearsing for the KS2 End of Year Production- what this space for more details...!


