Our school vision with the vision of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust
Our school vision is underpinned by the Bible Verse John 10:10. 'That they shall have life, life in all its fullness.'
In this verse, Jesus says he has come ‘in order that you might have life- life in all its fullness’, it’s a reminder that it possible for us to know a full life, in which we know the security of being in the hands of the good shepherd. People of faith will listen to him, because he is like the shepherd whose sheep know his voice.
Our School Vision at Court de Wyck
Growing together, Belonging and Achieving
Everybody in our caring Christian community inspiring, nurturing and challenging each other to do their best in mind, body and spirit to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
Spirituality at Court de Wyck
We have been working on developing spirituality and what it means to us at Court de Wyck. Children in their classes have been discussing what is can 'look like' as well as sharing ideas as a school in Collective Worship.
We have created a working document (see below) to help the whole school community in understanding Spirituality.