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Term 6

This term our learning theme is "Where shall we go today?". During our learning theme we will be finding out about some of the natural wonders of our world and where they are located and how we can look after our natural world. We will be exploring floating and sinking and the properties of different materials. We will also be looking at some similarities and differences between things in the past and now with a focus on pirates and the seaside.


Here are some of the stories that we will be using to support our learning.

Week 1 Update

We have had a busy first week back at school. In our phonics we have started work on phase 4. The purpose of this phase is to consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants  such as 'nd', lk', 'lp', 'md' and words that have more than one syllable. We have enjoyed sharing our new class text 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch". As part of this learning we became scientists for the afternoon and were exploring different materials to protect Mr Grinling from the rain. This week we have also introduce the children to Rekenreks which they have enjoyed using to build their number sense and understanding of number relationships.

Week 2 Update

This week we enjoyed a visit from Geoff from the RNLI . We enjoyed dressing up as lifeguards and learning about how to stay safe at the beach. The Beach Buddies talked to us about;

-life guards that we might see at the beach and how they can help us

-the different flags at the beach and what they mean

-the importance of learning to float

-to take our rubbish home with us

- to stay away from the sinking mud

Term 6 Week 3 Update

It was so lovely to welcome you into school this week for our art open morning and then again on Friday afternoon to visit our art gallery to share all the art work that we had created this week. We created our own shell Pop Art in the style of Andy Warhol, created our wave pictures inspired by the art work of Katsushika Hokusai “The Great Wave” 1831 in the Pointillism style of George Seurat and created our own art work in the style of Andy Goldsworthy using loose parts.


We also enjoyed being scientists this week, exploring electrical circuits making our own light light up just like in the story of the light house keepers lunch. 

Week 4 Update

This week we have been enjoying sharing the story of the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. As part of our learning we made our own Jam sandwiches following Mrs Fears instructions and we then went on to write our own instructions for our tasty sandwiches.

Week 5 Update

This week we have been learning about things that float and things that sink and we have been learning the word 'buoyant'. We enjoyed being scientists and exploring floating and sinking in different ways. Mrs Sims set us the challenge to make a ball of plasticine float, count how many fish it would take to sink the different boats,  make predictions about whether we thought some different objects would sink or float and make a boat that can float. It was a real challenge but the children persevered to make their ball of plasticine float.
