Thank you for considering our school. If you would like to book a tour and find out more about Court de Wyck Church School, please contact the school office who will be pleased to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
North Somerset Council manage all our admissions allocations - whether this is for Reception or for other year groups. However please do contact us as we will be able to tell you if we have vacancies in any of our year groups. Each year group has a PAN (Pupil Admission Number) of 24 children (this can be flexible due to the size of other year groups and the overall number of children in each class).
If you wish to apply for a new intake 2025 school place, please read the parent guide below which provides helpful information on the process involved to register on line through North Somerset website, which will then make it possible to complete an on line application form. This information is available on the North Somerset Website. Please click on the link below.
School admissions | North Somerset Council (
2024-2025 New Starters
Families will receive an offer of a place in April 2024 direct from North Somerset.
You will be hearing from us in the few weeks following this where we will be sending you important information. We have designed a thorough induction programme so that you and your child are prepared for starting school in September 2024.
We look forward to meeting you all soon when we begin this exciting journey and welcome you to Court de Wyck Church School for those of you who have been offered a place. This marks the start of an exciting journey for your family as you all become part of our school.