Read on to find out what we will be learning about this term.
This term we are moving on to learning about the Tudors. We will be studying the different rulers, including Henry X111, and comparing the successes and failures during each of their reigns. Can you name any of the other Kings and Queens from Tudor times?
As we are learning about the Tudors this term, our class text is going to be.... Treason by Berlie Doherty. We are going to be making comparisons, exploring different viewpoints and work towards writing a short narrative.
Physical Education
This term in PE, you will be exploring the skills involved in striking and fielding games like cricket and Danish long ball.
This term in Geography we will be testing out our locational knowledge of the UK and identifying key physical and human features.
This term in Science we will be learning about Living Things and Their Habitats, focusing on Life Cycles.
This term we will be completing the following topics: shape, ratio and proportion and statistics. Once we have covered all the objectives, we will be revising the Year 6 curriculum and completing lots of problem-solving activities and challenges!