Hello Robins!
What a shame this week hasn't been so sunny, I hope you are still managing to get out and about a bit on walks.
Here is your home learning for the Week beginning Monday 15th June. This week we are continuing with the theme of Rainbow Fish. There was quite a lot of activities on last weeks home learning page so feel free to carry on with some of those if you haven't completed them. This week we are looking at the different colours of the rainbow and trying to recreate a rainbow using food! June 21st is Fathers Day, why don't you make a card for your dad or someone else who is special to you. We are also looking at what it means to be a good friend. See if you can do something nice for a friend, you could even write them a letter telling them why they are such a good friend.
For maths this week we are still using the White Rose videos, you can pause these and do the questions within the video and if you would like some more activities you can follow the link to the BBC website. We have also added some extra activities linked to the topics. Reception, please keep practising writing number to 20 and counting accurately. Year 1 you are focusing on counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and multiplication. I have attached some work on using arrays for multiplication.
We really want to see what you have been learning at home so please don't forget that you can share your learning with us, either via your Tapestry account or you can get in contact by emailing the school office at office@cdw.bwmat.org. Remember you can also email us if you have any questions and we will do our best to answer them.
Stay safe and have a super week of home learning.
Mrs Sims and Mrs Bingham