Hello Owls!
I hope you have had a good week- it has been lovely to be in school with some of the Year 1s this week but we have missed those of you who are still at home. We had lots of fun in school finding out about some of the sea creatures that live in the different zones of the ocean and making our posters- our favourites were the sea pigs and the vampire squid!
Here are some of the posters that we have created- I'd love to see some of the ones you have made at home!
For this week's learning, we will be carrying on looking at 'The Rainbow Fish' and you will be choosing a sea creature to write a fact file about (remember we wrote one in school about Mo Farah!). There are also some fun exciting activities for you to do for your theme learning based around 'Rainbows' and a special art project (which you'll need to get done by Sunday 21st June).
I hope you enjoy this week's activities and don't forget to keep up with your reading as much as possible!
Miss Hunt