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Term 3

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Hope you are all feeling refreshed and raring to go for Term 5! This term we have some really exciting topics to cover! 


Our theme question this term is 'Mayans: Savage or Sophisticated? We will be learning all about the Mayan Ancient Civilisation and will be answering questions such as, Where did they settle? Who did they worship? What did they eat? As well as taking a close look at the Mayan number system, discovery and exploration. 



In English we will reading The Great Chocoplot by Chris Callaghan. It's the end of chocolate - for good! A chocolate mystery....

To begin with we will be looking closely at the rainforest and describing the setting in detail. We will then finish the term with the writing of our own exciting adventure stories! 




In Science this term we will be looking at the Properties and Changes of Materials. This will include investigations of circuits, separating mixtures, dissolving, irreversible changes and insulators.



