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Term 4

Our new learning theme this term is 'Who can help us?'. We will be thinking all about superheroes from local heroes in our community to caped crusaders! During this learning theme we will be finding out about the different jobs people have and how they help us. In particular we will be thinking about Emergency workers and how they help keep us safe. We will also be learning about the importance of brushing our teeth and washing our hands to help look after ourselves and keep us healthy.

If you feel that you have a expertise in this area and would like to share with the children the job that you do, please get in touch with us!

These are some of the texts that we will be reading and exploring this term...

Term 4 Week 1 

We enjoyed going on a vegetable hunt around the classroom as an ignition for our new story 'Supertato'. There was also great excitement as the children helped to set up our new '999 Emergency' role play area and got stuck in exploring the different roles of people who help us! In phonics we learned our new trigraph 'ure', the digraph 'er' and the common exception word 'her'. This week in maths we have been thinking about the numbers 1 to 10 as a step pattern to help us talk about how the numbers are 1 more and 1 fewer. 

Term 4 Week 2

This week Robin class were very excited to have a visit from our Local PCSO's to talk about how they help people in our local community. There enjoyed asking them questions about their equipment, trying on some real Police hats and watching the Police car drive off with its siren and flashing lights.

Term 4 Week 3

Robin Class enjoyed investigating the best materials that Mr Bear could use to make things quieter for him to sleep at night. The children explored and investigated with a range of materials to see which were the best. They decided that the cotton wool was the most effective.

Term 4 Week 4 

We went on the hunt for signs of spring and noticed lots of new flowers appearing in our woods and more green leaves and buds starting to grown on the trees! We can now name primroses, buttercups and daffodils and enjoyed looking for different shapes and varieties of leaves.
We worked carefully with a partner to choose at least 3 different natural objects to make some mobiles for our outdoor area.


We also enjoyed making our own Supertato heroes!

Term 4 Week 5 update

We really enjoyed using the disclosing tablets to see where we miss bits of our teeth when brushing our teeth. We have been thinking about the role of the dentist and how they help keep our teeth healthy. We talked about :
- the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day
- brushing our teeth for 2 minutes
-eating healthy foods
-make sure things don't get stuck in our teeth
- use a pea sized amount of toothpaste
- don't share toothbrushes
-going to the dentist

Term 4 Week 6 

We watched a step-by-step tutorial of how to draw 'Dirty Bertie'. We have some amazing artists in Robin Class - look at our fantastic pictures!
