The children have all settled back into school happily and are ready to learn! This term our whole school topic is 'What made Britain great?'. Within this Y1/2 are focusing on 'What can we do to stay healthy?'
Our main text is George's Marvellous Medicine where we will be exploring the characters in more depth. In science we will be learning about keeping healthy, including exercise and eating healthy food. After half term we will be finding out about Florence Nightingale.
Our whole school reading challenge has got off to a flying start with lots of our children receiving their first certificate already! A huge thanks to the parents for all their support. Let's get all of our class onto the first level as soon as we can!
Firework Safety Rules by Jack
Firework Safety Rules by Arthur
Firework Safety Rules by Rowan
Firework Safety Rules by Matilda
Angel Day
Friday 9th December
We had a great day making our angels. In the afternoon we worked in crews to solve clues to find hidden angels around school.
Anti Bullying Week
This week is Anti Bullying Week. In Owl Class we have been talking about what bullying is and what we can do if we see or hear any bullying. We all know who to speak to and we know that we need to 'Stand up, speak out, stand together.'