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Home Learning for 5.1.21

Hello everyone!


I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break even though it may have been a little different! I look forward to speaking to you on Teams soon but until then here are a few things to keep you busy today. 



For today I have set two maths investigations for you all to complete. You can choose one or decide to do both – it is up to you! The investigations are to get your brains warmed up for getting back into maths in the coming days/weeks 😊


I have uploaded a reading task for each year group below for you to complete!



Today, I would like you to write a recount of your Christmas holidays. What were the highlights of the Christmas break? What did you enjoy most? Remember to think about handwriting, punctuation and other grammar features we have covered so far in class. Such as, fronted adverbials and time conjunctions.

Looking to the future

Write a letter to the world. What are your hopes and aspirations for the future? What would you like to see happen in 2021?


Remember spellings for this term are on the class page for you to practise and make sure to read at home!


Speak to you all soon,

Miss Brown ðŸ˜Š




I will now be posting daily work into the new tabs I've created below this message. Please go there to find your learning! Miss Brown :) 

Potato Characters - Story Telling Week

Happy Collages - Mindfulness Week

Drawing of Birds from our bird spotting!

Instruction Writing - How to Mummify a Pharaoh!
