Our new learning theme this term is 'What is Cold?'. During this learning theme we will be thinking about why some animals hibernate in winter and some move to warmer places. We will be looking at where in the world is cold and what animals we may find there and how they can survive. We will also be doing lots of ice and melting investigating.
These are some of the texts that we will be reading and exploring this term...
Term 3 Week 1
As an ignition to our new learning theme 'What is cold?' and to link with our Jack Frost poem the children enjoyed exploring blocks of ice in the tuff spot. They came up with lots of great descriptive language for the ice like, smooth, slippery, freezing and fresh using our senses. We listened carefully to see if the ice made any sounds and decided it may make a crack noise if it broke. It was exciting to check the ice blocks over the day after we predicted how long they would take to melt!
Term 3 Week 2
We have loved seeing all the frost that 'Jack Frost' has been leaving for us this week. We have been busy learning our Jack Frost poem with our actions and writing our own ice poems using the words we thought of to describe the ice. We have also been learning about what it is like in the Artic and the sort of animals that live there. We shared the Inuit tale of 'The Polar Bear Son', created our own polar art work and even had a go a trying to build our own igloo's.
We have had a lovely week learning about Emperor Penguins thought our class text the Emperors egg. The children enjoyed finding out how big an adult Emperor Penguin can be and how they huddle and look after their eggs on the ice. In our maths learning this week we have been focusing on the composition of 5 and building towers and writing number sentences to show the composition. We are also very proud of our completed polar art work. We added an Artic or Antarctic animal to our blue colour mixing backdrops that we created.
Another busy week full of lots of lovely learning ended with a great Rockstar day! The children looked fantastic in their Rockstar costumes and enjoyed making the most of their dance lesson with Miss Nilsson this morning showing off their Rockstar moves. The children also enjoyed joining in with Rocksteady's Feel Good Friday Music lesson online where we joined The Listening Train in he Caribbean. Played more Musical Masters games, learned the bridge to 'You've Got a Friend', and enjoyed a performance of 'If You Ever Need a Calypso'! by some of the Rocksteady band.
This week we took part in children's mental health week, the focus was "My voice matters" as part of this we played the Whisper game to help us think about the importance of listening carefully to each other. We also talked about how we all have different thoughts and feelings and all the different things that are special to us. This week has also been Safer Internet day. As part of our learning we shared the story of Digiduck. Digiduck needed some help to make good choices when playing his favourite farmyard game online with his friends and we shared Digiducks rules for keeping safe online. This week we have been the diagraphs and trigraphs "oi, ear, air" and the common exception words "are" and "my". We are really pleased to see how the children are becoming more and more confident to use their phonemes in their reading and writing. In Maths this week we have been learning the terms more than, fewer than and equal and it has been lovely to see them using this in their play during their independent learning time. We were very excited to share our Penguin fact books that we have been writing this week with our reading buddies.