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Why does attendance matter? 

Attendance at Court de Wyck is a priority. Research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and achievement in school. Poor attendance can have a direct effect on a pupil’s attainment. For example, 90% attendance might sound quite good but what this means in reality is:

• On average half a day’s school missed every week

• This would also mean in one year, four whole weeks of school would be missed.

Pupils whose attendance is good are more likely to feel happy within their peer group socially, feel better able to ‘keep up’ academically and more able to cope with the many demands of a busy school life. Good attendance habits and punctuality in school are often carried into later life.


The Education Welfare Officer inspects all pupil attendance and may contact parents regarding their child’s absence.


Holiday in Term Time

Updated guidance from the Department of Education came into force in September 2022 (see link below).

The guidance makes it clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised absence can lead to the issue of a penalty notice by North Somerset or prosecution in a magistrate’s court.

Parents and carers are advised that holiday in term time is not a right and all requests must be received via the Request for Pupil Absence form which is available at the office. 


Absence due to illness 

Children who are clearly unwell should not be sent to school. North Somerset Education Department stipulate that children should not be sent back for a full 48 hours after any sickness. Those who are sent back too early are likely to make a slower recovery and may pose a health risk to others.

In the event of absence, in line with our Safeguarding procedures, please follow the procedure below:

  • Please report any pupil absence by telephone as early as possible (by 09:30) and leave a message on the absence line, or email the school office including the reason for absence for our electronic registers ('unwell' is not sufficient).  
  • If the school has had no notification of absence from you at all by 10:00 they may contact you. If they are unable to contact you by phone, staff may conduct a home visit for safeguarding purposes. 
  • If your child remains unwell, please update the school office each day they aren't at school. 


Absence due to medical appointment 

If pupils have a medical appointment please present the appointment card/letter to the school office via email or in person. Please make medical appointments outside of school hours where possible. 
