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Crew Groups

We have three crew groups across our school, and every child and member of staff in the school belongs to one of our crew groups:


  • Cadbury Hill - Blue 
  • Goblin Combe - Green 
  • Yeo Moor - Yellow 


Year 6 children lead the crew groups and children elect a captain and vice-captain at the beginning of each year.  We have regular crew meetings throughout the year where we come together as a community and each crew group supports their own charity by organising various fund-raising events. On Sports Day, the children wear their coloured t-shirt and compete for their crew group. 


The children have worked together to choose which charities to support. This year we are proud to support the following charities:


Cadbury Hill - National charity - Guide Dogs for the Blind

Goblin Combe - International charity- Go Mad (Charity in the Dominican Republic) 

Yeo Moor - Local charity - Children's Hospice South West 




