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Term 1

This term we will be focusing on settling into school and exploring the environment. 

Our learning theme is 'Can you tell me a story?' and we will be sharing a range of traditional tales through storytelling and role play. We will be thinking about different types of houses and homes , where we live and who is in our family and exploring different materials. We will also be sharing our special things shoeboxes and learning more about each other.


These are some of the stories we will be using this term.

Week  1

We have had a lovely few days, settling into school. They have come in to school really well and started to learn our class routines and some of their new friends names. We have enjoyed a range of different activities inside and outside of the classroom trying not to get too wet!

The children have had another lovely week, and took having lunch in the hall in their stride. The children were superstars this week, learning school routines and new friends names. This week we have shared our whole school text "Maybe" and talked about our hopes and dreams for when we are older. A highlight of this week was when Mr Thomas from North Somerset Schools PE Association came into school to do a frisbee golf session with us. We had lots of fun. We have also enjoyed sharing our shoe boxes in class. 
