This term we will be focusing on settling into school and exploring the environment.
Our learning theme is 'Can you tell me a story?' and we will be sharing a range of traditional tales through storytelling and role play. We will be thinking about different types of houses and homes , where we live and who is in our family and exploring different materials. We will also be sharing our special things shoeboxes and learning more about each other.
These are some of the stories we will be using this term.
We have had a lovely few days, settling into school. They have come in to school really well and started to learn our class routines and some of their new friends names. We have enjoyed a range of different activities inside and outside of the classroom trying not to get too wet!
The children have had another lovely week, and took having lunch in the hall in their stride. The children were superstars this week, learning school routines and new friends names. This week we have shared our whole school text "Maybe" and talked about our hopes and dreams for when we are older. A highlight of this week was when Mr Thomas from North Somerset Schools PE Association came into school to do a frisbee golf session with us. We had lots of fun. We have also enjoyed sharing our shoe boxes in class.
Our first full time week in school! On Monday we all enjoyed our first Forest Explorers session. Everyone did really well putting their wellies on and managing to get their shoes back on afterwards! We had fun exploring the woods and listening for different bird sounds. We practised coming back to base and making a sharing circle to talk about what we have seen and found. We looked at the different types of trees and leaf shapes, found a wriggly worm and collected different sized sticks to try and build a house like the 'The Three Little Pigs' from our story. On Friday afternoon we spent some time with the Kestrel class to get to know them as we will soon each have a reading buddie who we will share books with each Friday.
We have had another busy week. The phonemes we have been learning this week are i, n, m and d and we are working really hard on identifying them and beginning to blend to read. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our phonics workshop on Tuesday next week to share a little more information with you about how we teach phonics and how to support your child at home. Today a group of musicians came to share their instruments with the children. The children listened and joined in really well. We particularly enjoyed having a go at being the conductor.
This week we have been working really hard on learning our song "Big Red Combine Harvester" ready for our Harvest celebration worship next Thursday morning, we hope you will be able to come and watch us preform. We have really enjoyed our Drawing Club story this week and have been very creative, using our imagination to create codes to change part of the story. In our maths learning we have been learning about the composition of 3 and 4 and how they are composed of 1's or that it can be made up of smaller parts such as 2 and 1 or 2 and 2. We used our multi link cubes to see what shapes and numbers we could see in 4.
We have been enjoying our story of The Billy Goats Gruff this week. The children were set the challenge to make a bridges for the goats to cross, using only 1 piece of paper, 2 bricks and sticky tape. The children enjoyed investigating how they could make the paper stronger, and what happens if you move the ends of the bridge closer or further apart. In Forest Explorers the children enjoyed creating their own Troll art work using things that they could find in the natural environment.
We enjoyed our first trip out of school to Yatton Library this week. The children were very excited to have a ride on the minibus and enjoyed their session at the library. We found out about all the different things there are to borrow in the library and explored the fiction and non-fiction books, and DVDs. They were amazed to learn that you can borrow up to 20 books for free with a children's library card! Then we headed upstairs for a storytime and rhyme session. Everyone enjoyed their visit and behaved brilliantly. Well done Robin Class!
What a busy first term we have had in Robin Class. At the beginning of the week, Robin Class received a mysterious letter from the Gingerbread Man. They enjoyed 'run, running as fast as you can..' to follow the clues to help rescue him from being eaten by the cunning fox! However at the end of the week the children enjoyed a eating their own gingerbread man after investigating how to protect him from getting soggy while crossing the river. They had to predict whether a puddle suit made out of tissue, paper towel or a plastic bag would be best at protecting him.