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Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class


In Owl Class we have Year 1 and Year 2. 

Over the year we will be adding information and pictures for you to see all the wonderful learning and experiences we are having. 


Here is some useful class information. 


Teacher: Mrs Howe - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AM and Thursday


PPA Cover: Miss Nilsson (Sports Coach) - Wednesday PM 


Leadership time - Mrs Brady - Friday all day


 P.E -  Tuesday and Friday


Book change and Spellings - Fridays


What you need each day: A named water bottle, a bag, a hat if sunny and a coat when rain is indicated. P.E kits stay in school and get sent home at the end of every term. Children are given reading folders that must come into school each day.

Term 2 - Useful Documents

Week 1 and 2

During week 1 and 2 we have been looking at the book ' Maybe' by Kobi Yamada. We have been exploring our hopes and dreams, as well as learning our classroom routines and getting to know our new friends in Owl Class. As artists we have created collage pictures and as writers we have written positive affirmations and our hopes for the future. 

Week 3

This week we have started our theme learning. As artists we have been exploring the ways in which we can manipulate lines , as historians we created a timeline of our own lives and as geographers we learnt about the location of the school. In our learning as scientists we learnt about wild and garden flowers before exploring the school site to see if we could locate and identify a variety of plants within the school grounds. 

Week 4

This week as writers we have been learning all about nouns and verbs. We have learnt about the different classifications of nouns and were then able to innovate our model text changing both the noun and the verbs. As artists we learnt to sketch 2d shapes and discussed the difference between straight and curved lines. In our work as scientists we planted our own beans and discussed what we thought would happen first. 

Week 5

This week we have been exploring how numbers are in a sequence and increase and decrease in 1's. We have learnt how to use a number line and how to compare numbers. We then made our own number blocks to explore this.  In Year 2 we have moved into looking at numbers up to 100. As writers we have been learning how to write sentences using noun verb noun and extending using adjectives to challenge ourselves. 

Week 6

This week in maths we looked at the symbols greater than and smaller than. We used number cards and then used lolly sticks to create our own symbols. 

Week 7

This week  as geographers we explored human and physical features. We watched a video about Clevedon and then we labelled local human and physical places. 

Week 8

As artists we have created our own versions of Keith Harring art. We used a variety of lines and shapes before using contrasting colours to create a colourful effect. To finish our art we used different lines and marks to create the final impact.
