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8.6.20 (Term 6, Week 2) Home Learning Tasks

mail Message from Miss Paul 7.6.20

Hello Kestrel Class!


I hope you are all ok and enjoyed completing some of the work set last week! I have now uploaded this week's work to you to have a look at - I will also be completing this work in school with the Year 6's that are returning for Phase 1 tomorrow. It is exciting to know I will be seeing some of you again very soon laugh As we will all be completing the same work, it would be lovely for you to share your home learning with us and we can share ours on this class page too!


Stay safe and have fun... 


Miss Paul smiley


e-Bug school activities to teach about infection prevention: Giant sneeze

Microbes can travel up to 1m in a single sneeze! In the e-Bug Respiratory Hygiene lessons
