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Sports Funding

PE Funding for 2024-25

The government’s Sport Premium Funding will be continuing this academic year. The funding has once again been put aside for Physical Education in order to create a sporting legacy within the school so that the school is left with a lasting sporting impact.


Our Intended Outcomes:

To raise the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement and pupil well – being.

To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport. 

To increase participation in competitive sports, including intra and Level 2 events.

To broaden the range of sports and activity experiences on offer, to all children, in order to widen opportunities.

To increase children’s awareness of personal level of challenge.

To create a detailed PE Development Plan with clear key indicators which enable all children to progress and achieve.


Our PE Grant for 2024-25 is approximately £17,000

We will be investing in:

Sports Coaches

Court de Wyck Church School will be using some of its funding to work in partnership with Primary Sports and Education.

This year we have fully qualified sports coaches to deliver quality PE lessons, lunchtime activities and after school extra-curricular activities. This ensures every pupil will have a broad range of sports and activities on offer during school time.

Active Learning Mentor

This year we will be continuing to use some funding to employ an Active Learning Mentor. The ALM regularly spends time with focus children who need extra support, either academically or emotionally. The support given is implemented through an active learning approach to engage all types of children. 

PE Association

We fund our membership of the PE Association which provides opportunities for children to take part in different sports at competition level and to try out new sports in school. It also provides professional development for staff.

PE equipment -update of resources

We will work closely with Primary Sports and Education sport coaches to audit the available equipment and highlight gaps in equipment in order to replenish stock.

Transport costs to PE competitions

We will pay for transport and PE staffing so that pupils may attend local sporting events and competitions with dedicated adult support.


The impact of this funding will be measured through:

Pupil perception questionnaires measuring the interest of children in different areas of the PE curriculum

The increase in the number of children engaging in inter school sporting activities

The number of children attending a sports club either in school or outside.

Discussion with teachers to highlight progress made by pupils.

PE and Sport Premium Report
