Hello Robins
I hope you are all keeping well and safe and that you all enjoyed our VE Day activities, remember to send us any photos. We had a lovely picnic in our front garden with the neighbours and decorated our house. We would love to see any photos of how you celebrated.
This week, the Maths and English have daily tasks for you to complete. Year 1 English is all about Superheros and Reception is based on the story Dear Postman. The maths is set out in the same format with Year 1 learning about number facts and time and Reception concentrating on the key skills of ordering numbers to 20. Please keep focusing on handwriting, daily reading and phonics. There are also some lovely whole school activities included still linked to the whole school topic of "Around The World" that you can do with your siblings from different year groups. You do not need to print out any of the activities, you should be able to complete them just on plain/lined paper.
Remember that we love to see the learning that you are doing at home by sharing it on Tapestry (Reception) and emailing the us on the school email (office@cdw.bwmat). You can also ask us any questions you may have about your home learning here too and we will get back to you every Tuesday.
There is also a special video for you to watch on the website, can you spot all the teachers?
Have a super week Robins
Mrs Sims and Mrs Bingham