Our topic this term is...
How is India Incredible?
We are really enjoying finding out about India. In English we have written our own non-chronological reports all about different aspects of India. We had the most amazing wow day - have a look at our photos below. We then wrote a recount of our day. It was the best day ever and we even had a visit from two local peacocks who flew into our school field just as our day began! What a treat!
In Geography, we have learnt to find India on different scale maps and to find and label cities, mountains and rivers on our own map of India. We learnt about different crops that grow and about the importance of the River Ganges. We linked this back to our learning on the River Thames in Term 3 and identified differences with how the rivers are used.
In science we have been learning all about plants. We have discovered the plants which grow in our school grounds and monitored them change during the term. We have carried out our own bean growing investigation and investigated how flowers drink their water through their stems. We are looking forward to seeing our beans grow into next term too!
In Art, we have been developing our sketching and painting skills using peacocks, which are the national bird of India. We looked carefully at peacock feathers and learnt to sketch them, improving our sketches with peer advice. We then added colour to them by using watercolours and mixing our own paint. We even used the skills we had learnt to make a class peacock as part of our wow day! The best thing was making clay Indian pots and using the skills we had learnt to decorate our own pots with Indian patterns and painting on peacock feathers. It's been so much fun!
What's happening next in Goldfinch Class?
For the next part of our 'How is India Incredible topic?' we will be learning about some famous people from India and in science we shall be investigating the animals that live there. Who can you identify below? There's so much more to discover!