Hello Owls!
I hope you have all had a good week and have enjoyed doing the home learning I set you. I would love to read some of your rainbow poems if you'd like to share them with me- I wonder which colour you found the hardest to describe?
School is now ready for Phase 1 of re-opening and I can't wait to welcome some of you back on Monday. I know you might be feeling a bit nervous or worried but I will be there waiting for you with a big smile on my face. For those of you who will still be doing your learning at home please keep sharing your work with us and we will make sure we show you what we are doing in school too- that way we are all still learning together!
This week we are celebrating World Ocean's Day on Monday 8th June so there are lots of activities for you to learn more about the oceans of the world. We will be looking at the story of 'The Rainbow Fish' and you will be practising your descriptive writing skills.
Take care, have a great week and in the words of Dory from Finding Nemo...