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Terms 1 and 2

What do you do with an idea?


Welcome back to an exciting new school year! Our whole school focus for the first two weeks is based on the book 'What do you do with an idea?'

We all had many new ideas for the year ahead and for the future.

Look at our Court-de-Wyck apple tree growing outside the Nuture Room for our own, very special ideas. Which of these ideas will take shape and grow in the future? We can't wait to find out!



What does Court de Wyck do with an idea?

Every child in the school has a Court de Wyck apple which has their idea or aspiration for the future. Come and read all about our future plans! We have some BIG ideas of what we would like to achieve when we are older...which ideas will actually happen? 

Our Learning Theme for terms 1 and 2 is...


Can one person make a difference?


Our first text is The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. We will be writing letters from the snail as he travels around the world. Then we will be writing non-chronological reports. We will soon be having little visitors in our classroom who will be living in their own special habitat. Watch this space to find out who! We will be learning about explorers in history and geography-just like our friend snail.

It's going to be an exciting couple of terms in Goldfinch Class!

We have been very excited by our class pets this term! Our water snails are doing well and have been our focus for the last few weeks. In fact, we were so motivated by them that we have based lots of our learning around them! 

We have researched water snails using non-fiction books and ICT, written non-chronological reports to share with the younger children in the school (who have also been fascinated by our visitors!), produced detailed sketches based on the Austin's Butterfly method of improving our work, made  detailed clay water snails and used Matisse's Snail to create our own versions of water snails. We have linked our learning in to our habitats unit in Science too. What an amazing amount of exciting learning we have done! 
