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Declaration of Interest

CdW LGC Constitution, Declarations and Attendance 2425  updated Sep 24Meeting Attendance
 Term StartTerm EndDeclaration of Pecuniary InterestFull Governing Body mtg
Trust Local Committee:   AttendedOut of Possible
MAT Appointed (2 positions)     
Kath Panes (Co Vice Chair)12.12.2111.12.25Retired11
Sarah Cush10.11.2209.11.26Hillcrest Estate Management Ltd, Accounts Assistant, 01/06/201911
Susan Young21.02.24Res: 10.11.24 01
Foundation MAT Appointed (1 position)     
Barbara Hook01.07.2130.06.25The Gordano Valley Methodist Circuit since September 202011
Peter Dallyn (Co Vice Chair)01.07.2130.06.25None11
Richard Perrett20.09.2319.09.27Aggreko, Communications, Nov 202211
Elected Parent Governors (2 positions)     
Ben Hewett12.12.2111.12.25Chew Stoke Church School, Headteacher, employed from 01.09.199911
Catherine Jeffes (Chair)26.11.2125.11.25Primary Teaching and Learning Lead - Cathedral Schools Trust11
Invited Attendees:     
Headteacher: Jo Baker-Brownex officioex officioEmployee - BWMAT   (Spouse  owns CK SUP and Paddle which is a leisure company. This began in 2019)11
Hannah Sims11.05.2210.05.26Employee - BWMAT11
CdW LGC Constitution, Declarations and Attendance 23/24  updated End of Year Meeting Attendance
 Term StartTerm EndDeclaration of Pecuniary InterestFull Governing Body mtg
Staff Governors (2 positions)   AttendedOut of Possible
Headteacher: Jo Baker-Brownex officioex officioEmployee - BWMAT   (Spouse - owner of local kayaking business)99
Hannah Sims11.05.2210.05.26Employee - BWMAT99
MAT Appointed (4 positions)     
Kath Panes (Co Vice Chair)12.12.2111.12.25None89
Sarah Cush10.11.2209.11.26None89
Susan Young21.02.2420.02.28 45
Foundation MAT Appointed (3 positions)     
Barbara Hook01.07.2130.06.25None69
Peter Dallyn (Co Vice Chair)01.07.2130.06.25None49
Richard Perrett20.09.2319.09.27 55
Elected Parent Governors (2 positions)     
Ben Hewitt12.12.2111.12.25Headteacher, Chew Stoke Church School59
Catherine Jeffes (Chair)26.11.2125.11.25Primary Teaching and Learning Lead - Cathedral Schools Trust79