Hello amazing Goldfinches!
I really hope you'll enjoy the learning I've planned for you this week.
In English our new focus is Traditional Tales and for the next few weeks we will be working on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We will start by learning the story, so this week there are lots of fun activities to help you do that, and to help you know it off by heart. Get your families reciting the story too! Then we'll be writing the story and after that we'll be innovating the story so that you can write your own version- all this will take a few weeks so that you can make your work super brilliant!
In maths we are starting to work on measure. This week you'll be measuring length and height in mm, cm and m. Next week we'll be moving onto weighing so get your scales ready!
Our new theme (topic) is called The World Around Us. All the classes have the same theme this term, so each week the activities will be the same for each class so families can work together.
You'll find all the resources you'll need under the picture of Little Red Riding Hood!
Good luck and I can't wait to see how you've got on!
Mrs Baker-Brown