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Terms 3 and 4

What does our future look like?

This term we are focusing on our new topic - What does our future look like? This topic lends itself to so many exciting learning opportunities and everyone in Owl Class is very enthusiastic about it already!


Our new text for English is the wonderful Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We really enjoyed predicting what would happen in the story and, after reading the story, we have been writing some lovely character descriptions about Beegu the alien. We prepared to retell the story by drawing pictures and acting it out, ready for our written piece. Mrs Thomson came to visit our class during one of our writing sessions. She watched us act out the story before continuing to write it. She was very impressed with how well we knew the story! We are now working on changing the story to make it our own. We have created a new character and a new planet for them to visit.


In Maths we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shape. We are feeling very confident with the names of each shape! Our next topic is addition and subtraction within 20, building on our knowledge from adding and subtracting within 10. We have been using number lines, ten frames, part whole models and Numicon to support us. 


In term 3 our main focus in Science will be on understanding the Solar System and our place within it. We made our very class Solar System and wrote Fact Files about the planet Mars. We will also look at Space Exploration, considering the role of an Astronaut. As part of our upcoming science investigation we have designed our own rockets. We will launch into the air them by breathing through a straw. We considered how we could make the rockets travel further by observing what happens when you blow air into a balloon and let it go! We made our predictions and are excited to see what happens when we launch next week.


In Art we have been learning all about the famous Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. We first considered what an artist does, and then looked in more detail at Van Gogh's paintings in chronological order. We particularly loved his painting 'The Starry Night', which links well with our Space work in Science. We have practiced sketching sections of the painting using different media. We also made our own version of 'The Starry Night' using oil pastels and card buildings. Our work is hanging up in our Class Art Gallery and we are very proud of what we have produced! 


As part of Safer Internet Week, we thought about what we knew about the internet. We considered what we use the internet for and how we access it. Many of us said that we play games on the internet. We read a story about Zap and Zoom, who like to play games together on the internet. Zap knew it was important to ask his Dad if it was OK for him to go on the internet before he went on it. He also checked with his Dad when the game asked him to give his full name. His Dad told him that you should never give your personal details to people you do not know. 
