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Term 3 and 4



This term our topic is Rock, Relics and Rumbles. We will be sending home knowledge organisers for Science and Geography giving further information about our topic projects, which you could share with your children at home.


English- In English we will be reading the book Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit and looking at lots of non-fiction texts about volcanoes. We will be writing non-chronological reports about volcanoes, a diary entry from someone in Pompeii during the eruption and some volcano poetry.


Geography - Rocks, Relics and Rumbles

This project is our driver project for the term. The children will learn about the characteristics of the Earth's layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity.


Science - Forces and Magnets

This project teaches children about contact and non-contact forces, including friction and magnetism. They will investigate frictional and magnetic forces and identify parts of a magnet and magnetic materials.


Art and Design - Ammonite

In this project children will learn about the artistic techniques used in sketching and print making.


DT - Making it Move

This project teaches children about cam mechanisms. They will experiment with different shaped cams before designing, making and evaluating a child's automaton toy.



Theme Overview Term 3 and 4

TT Rockstar Day


We had a great day dressing up as rockstars and doing activities to help us learn our times tables. We did some real life problem solving involving times tables, made times tables fortune tellers and even had teachers and children times tables challenge in the hall.

Children's Mental Health Week 2023

6th February - 12th February.


This years theme for Children's Mental Health Week was 'Let's Connect'.

In Goldfinch Class we encouraged everyone to make healthy, rewarding and meaningful connections to friends, family and others to support our mental health and sense of wellbeing. We discussed what we thought making connections with other people meant and realised that lots of us do this all the time! We drew a circle of support and put in it the people we connect with everyday. We read 'The Invisible String' by Patrice Karst which showed us that our connections are unbreakable and always there. We also read 'Happy' by Nicola Edwards which helped us understand that mindfulness is all about connecting with ourselves and the world around us. 

If you would like to find out more information about Mental Health or access free resources click on the following links:


Children’s mental health charity – Place2Be


YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds






Safer Internet Day 


We discussed what the internet was and how we use it. We thought of all the devices we can use to access the internet. We then discussed what information we could share with people on the internet and wrote them in pictures of computers. We then thought of information we would need to keep private and put into a treasure chest.

World Book Day

Science Week

To celebrate Science week we completed an experiment to find out which material would be best for keeping an astronaut warm in space. The materials we used were tin foil, bubble wrap, cotton, felt, plastic and a shiny fabric. After feeling each material and examining them closely, we made predictions about which one we thought would be the best.

We then wrapped each of the materials around a beaker and added 200ml of warm water. To measure the water temperature we used a thermometer. We recorded the temperature of the water at one minute intervals for ten minutes. We then calculated how much the temperature had changed and showed our results in a block diagram. 

We found out that the bubble wrap kept the water warmer for the longest time and so it would be the best material to keep an astronaut warm in space! 
