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School Uniform


School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. The DfE strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils. Above all, Court de Wyck Church School believes that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning. We expect that all children wear the correct school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school organised event either inside or outside normal school hours. 


School logo polo shirts, PE T-shirts, jumpers and cardigans are available from School Togs in Nailsea.  


Court de Wyck School uniform consists of:

White short sleeved polo shirt - preferably with school logo

Burgundy sweatshirt/cardigan - preferably with school logo

Grey shorts/ trousers 

Grey pinafore dress/skirt (knee length)

Burgundy checked summer dress

Black polishable school shoes (trainers can be brought into school to change into for break and lunch playtime)


PE Kit:

Plain white round neck t-shirt - white school logo T-shirt also available

Plain black shorts

School daps or trainers

Plain black tracksuit bottoms/leggings 


Please note:

For safety reasons, no jewellery is to be worn, with the exception of one small stud in each pierced ear.

No make up or nail varnish is to be worn.

For health and safety reasons, long hair should be tied back.

Hair styles should be sensible – shaved patterns, coloured dyes etc. are not permitted.


Cost of Uniform

Please contact the school office if you would like to enquire about pre-loved uniform which is held in school in a variety of sizes.

Plain white polo shirts and burgandy cardigans and jumpers without the school logo may be worn and are widely available at a reduced cost in local supermarkets. 


School uniform can be bought from School Togs, Crown Glass Shopping Centre, Nailsea, Bristol. Telephone 01275 857491.


Please contact the school office if you require any further information.
