This term our topic is Emperors and Empires. We will be sending home knowledge organisers for Science and History giving further information about our topic projects, which you could share with your children at home.
English- We are going to be looking at Myths and Legends and our writing will be based on the story of "Romulus and Remus." Will will be concentrating on story writing, recounts and poetry.
History - Emperors and Empires
This project is our driver project for the term. This project teaches children about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain.
Science - Plant Nutrition and Reproduction
This project teaches children the requirements of plants for growth and survival. They describe the parts of flowering plants and relate structure to function, including the roots and stem for transporting water, leaves for making food and the flower for reproduction.
Art and Design - Beautiful Botanicals/ Mosaic Masters
Beautiful Botanicals teaches children about the genre of botanical art. They create natural weavings, two-colour prints and beautiful and detailed botanical paintings of fruit.
Mosaic Masters teaches children about the history of mosaics, before focusing on the colours, patterns and themes found in Roman mosaic. The children learn techniques to help them design and make a mosaic border tile.
DT - Greenhouse
This project teaches children about the purpose, structure and design features of greenhouses, and compares the work of two significant greenhouse designers. They learn techniques to strengthen structures and use tools safely. They use their learning to design and construct a mini greenhouse.
Mental Health Awareness Week - May 2023.
This week we have been discussing the importance of talking and listening to others.
We thought about some things we could do to keep our minds healthy, such as talking with our friends, going for a walk, exercising and listening to music. We discussed how these activities can help us, especially when we may be feeling anxious.
We watched a video made by children, which talks about what mental health is. It highlighted the difference between everyday small feelings and a big feelings and strategies that we could use to cope with them.
15th June 2023
We visited Caerleon in Wales to build on our historical knowledge of everyday life in Ancient Rome. We had great fun exploring the Roman Baths where Soldiers relaxed with their friends and kept themselves fit. We saw the remains of what once was an open-air swimming pool.
We then visited the amphitheatre where Romans would have gone to be entertained and watch gladiator fights. We also explored the ruins of the Barracks.
In the afternoon we had great fun taking part in a Roman Bootcamp workshop, where we trained to be Roman Soldiers. We looked at the different weapons they would have used and even practiced with our own swords and shields. We got to dress up and try on the armour Roman Soldiers would have used in a battle!
We had a great day and enjoyed learning so much!
Roman Mosaics.
In Art we have been learning about the history of Mosaics. We looked carefully at the colours, patterns and themes found in Roman Mosaics.
Here are some pictures of our own finished mosaic border tiles.
DT - Strengthening Structures.
We have enjoyed exploring and learning about techniques to strengthen structures.
We worked in pairs to build frame structures and then investigated the use of diagonal struts for strength.