Welcome to Owl Class.
In Owl class we have Year 1 and Year 2.
Over the year we will be adding information and pictures for you to see all the wonderful learning and experiences we are having.
Here is some useful class information.
Teachers: Mrs Howe - Monday, Wednesday AM, Thursday and Friday
Mrs Bingham - Tuesday
PPA Cover - Mrs Chaplow and Miss Nillson (Sports Coach) - Wednesday PM
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Last and Miss Medina
P.E - Wednesday and Friday
Book change and Spellings - Friday
What you need each day: A named water bottle, a school book bag, a hat if sunny and a coat when rain is indicated. P.E kits stay in school and get sent home at the end of every term.
Term 6 - Useful documents
Term 1
This term we will be focusing on our theme 'Claverham Through The Ages' which is a history based project that compares life now to life in the village in the 1950's. In Science we will be exploring our senses and the use of everyday materials and in Geography we will be learning about 'Our Wonderful World' with a particular focus into our own locality.
Week 1
This week we have been focusing on well being and getting to know our new environment and each other. We have started to study our whole school text ' Oh the places you'll go' and have made our own collage air balloons ready for our working wall. We have written a short recount of our holidays and practiced writing our numbers as high as we could.
Week 2
During week 2 we have been learning about our 'Personal Powers. We have 'Trying Powers', 'Exploring Powers' , 'Thinking Powers' and 'Mistake Making Powers'. We had a number of different activities with a focus on each power. We then voted on which power we used the most. So far we have been using our 'Trying Powers' the most.
Week 3
We have had such an exciting week. We ignited both our Talk for Writing text 'Nothing' and our History theme ' Claverham through the ages'. We went on a teddy hunt with Goldfinch and then in the afternoon went on a walk around the newest part of the village. We spotted all of the old and new features and had a good look at Court de Wyck house.
Week 4
This week in Owl class we have been very busy as mathematicians. In Year 1 we have been learning about 1 more and counting forwards on a number line. In Year 2 we have been partitioning numbers to 100. In all of our maths lessons we learn through the use of concrete , pictorial and then abstract models. This helps us to explore each area and feel confident before moving on.
Week 4 - Continued
This week we took part in 'Sing and Sow.' We enjoyed learning all of our flower themed songs before going out into a soon to be flower meadow to sow the seeds whilst we sang. We can't wait to see the flowers grow and explore the wildlife that is attracted by our wildflower meadow.
Week 5
This week as Scientists we have been looking at Human made materials. We discussed what we knew and then sorted some real life objects. After exploring physical human made objects we then created a grid to sort human made and natural resources. Each week we are building our understanding of the use and origin of the materials around us.
Week 6
This week as artists we have been learning how to print. We used primary colours and through printing created secondary colours. We were fascinated by the way the colours moved and combined.
Mental health week.
As part of mental health week we practiced yoga and mindfulness. We also created our own positive affirmations.
'I am smart'
'I am a good friend'
'I am kind'
Term 2
Week 1
In week one we have been busy igniting our new talk for writing text ' The magic porridge pot'. We made our own magic porridge and were amazed when the porridge bubbled and grew! In maths we have been learning how to use part part whole models and discussed fact families.
Week 2
This week as historians we explored using historical sources to identify features of life in the 1950's. We worked in groups and learnt to make notes about what we noticed. We then made links to our previous learning in history and were able to come up with information about how children's lives in the 1950's are different to children's lives today.
To ignite our new D.T theme 'Shade and Shelter' we built some shelters for 'little owl' our class comfort owl. We identified the features important in shelters and then used a variety of resources to create a shelter. We worked in our Crews and discussed as we built.
Week 3
This week in geography we have been learning about positional language. To practice our new vocabulary ' forward, backwards, turn left and turn right' we played a game of human bee bots. We had to direct our team mate through a 4 x 4 grid. Not only we did use positional language but we also worked well as a crew!
Week 4
This week in Owl class we have welcomed in our parents for a maths open morning and have ignited our new Talk for Writing text. As part of our maths morning we played race to 0. It was very competitive and our knowledge of subtraction developed quickly.
To ignite our new non-fiction text we went into our amazing school wood and built our own mini shelters. We followed the instruction exactly and managed to create some lovely structures.
Week 5
As part of no-pen Wednesday we used concrete resources to explore subtracting within 10. To develop our maths vocabulary, we verbally talked each number sentence and added in actions for the mathematical symbols.
We also had a whole class show and tell where we were able to develop our vocabulary by talking about items from home. We used our school value of respect to be a quality audience and asked thoughtful questions when appropriate.
Week 6
This week we have been very busy getting ready for our nativity. We also had some special visitors on Friday and were lucky enough to be part of 'Christmas in a box' organised by the church. We had a fun filled morning learning about the Christmas story. Over the course of the morning we added items into our boxes and were so excited to take these home to share with our families.
Week 7
It has been a very busy week in Owl class. We went to church, watched the Reception nativity, put on 2 of our own shows, went to the pantomime and then watched the KS2 extravaganza. We are so proud of you!
Term 3
Week 1
This week we have been learning many new skills. In Geography we have been exploring atlases. We loved looking at all the pictures and were very proud of ourselves when we learnt how to use the contents page!
Week 2
We are spacemen! This week we have continued to learn our new model text ' Bob Man on The Moon'. We have been learning about proper nouns and are now experts.
Week 3
As artists this week we have been showcasing our understanding of colour wheels. We used coloured pencils to show what colours go where. We are really secure in the naming of our primary and secondary colours.
Week 4
Did you know that you can print with playdough? We do! This week we have been applying our painting colours mixing knowledge and have applied it into print. We created our own planets by creating patterns in playdough before printing using paint.
Week 5
As scientists this week we have been learning about what different animals eat. We had a rather smelly surprise when we came in from break time. There were piles of poo in our classroom! As scientists we investigated the objects in the poo and we noticed that there were three different types of poo. They belonged to herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. After we learnt about how to classify animals by diet we then worked in pairs to sort out animals.
Proud moment!
During the final class worship of the term a group of Owls performed our T4W Non-Fiction text ' The first man on The Moon' to the entire school! They were word perfect and even stood in a perfect timeline!
Term 4
Week 1
This week as historians we have been learning about explorers. We have focused on Christopher Columbus. To learn about his travels we tasted the food that Christopher brought back from his adventures. We enjoyed some more than others!
Week 2
This week in art we have been creating our own still life arrangements. We looked at the works of famous still life artists and then choose one to create in the style of. We worked as a crew and communicated about where we wanted certain items to be placed. .
Week 3
Owl class really enjoyed learning more about space in the Explorer Dome. It was pitch black inside and we were shown pictures of all the planets and learnt about star constellations.
Week 4
This week as part of science week we have been learning about electricity and how different our lives would be without it. We created basic circuits and even made a class circuit using a power bar. On Friday we displayed our class science board and won!!
Week 5
We have been focusing on human needs and this week we ensured that we understood the importance of handwashing. We used the pepper experiment to show how soap stops bacteria.
Week 6
As part of our 'Remarkable Recipes' unit is D.T this week we made Eton Mess. We learnt how to follow a recipe and then created our own class Eton Mess. We used the skills of crushing, chopping, mixing and stirring.
Term 5
Week 1
This week we ignited our new Talk For Writing text ' The Iron Man'. We looked at a variety of metal household items and created a word bank of adjectives using our senses.
We also ignited our history theme ' Through the Ages' by looking at pictures of historical artefacts and discussing common themes, spotting links with our previous learning and asking questions.
Week 2
This week as artists we have been learning about warm colours. We used our knowledge of the primary colours to create a variety of warm colours. We developed our oracy skills by discussing the ways each colour made us feel.
Week 3
This week we have been writing our own openings to 'The Iron Man'. We used adverbs, adjectives, commas in a list and a variety of conjunctions. We used our knowledge of the senses to describe what the Iron Man could see, hear, taste and smell.
Term 4
This week we ignited our new text. We are learning about newspapers so to start our learning we looked at real newspaper. We had lots of discussions about the sections and found out we had some fans of the sports and fashion sections!
Week 5
A very busy week this week in Owls. In Year 1 we have been learning about arrays and created some of our own using counters. Year 2 have been learning how to tell the time and the importance of the hands on clocks. In science we have been categorising animals according to their diets. We had a scavenger hunt in the classroom to find out what each animal ate. To finish the week we used sentence cards to start adding in conjunctions to extend our use of different sentence types.