We have all settled well back into school and are excited to see what this year will bring! This term our whole school topic is 'What made Britain great?' Where year 5/6 are focusing
on The Vikings!
To introduce our Viking topic, we had a WOW morning where we carried out some fun activities including weaving, Viking Runes, making Viking helmets and going on a Viking walk to explore how The Vikings would have navigated their way around!
Our class text is Kensuke's Kingdom where we will be carefully unpicking the story by carrying out some interesting and exciting writing activities. We have already written some great character descriptions and have all made our predictions about what the book might be about... Who's going to be the closest?!
As a class we have made a fabulous start to the whole school readingchallenge, but let's ensure we keep up the good work and carry on reading!
Firework Safety
This week we have been looking at firework safety ready for bonfire night on Saturday. Together the children have come up with an acrostic explaining the main rules of staying safe around fireworks!
Anti-bullying week
This week we have been looking at bullying for anti bullying week. This morning (18.11.16) we wrote a reply to a letter from someone who had been subject to bullying. We all advised the person on what to do.
We also looked at the lasting effect bullying can have on someone. We had 2 apples and said nice things to one and mean things to the other. When we cut them in half, although both the apples looked the same on the outside, the apple we had been mean to had bruises on the inside. This represents our body as even if we say sorry for something, the hurt and the inside damage doesn't go away.
You can see that the bottom apple has bruises inside.
Angel Day
On Friday 9th December 2016 we celebrated Angel Day. We spent our morning making angels and in the afternoon we had an angel hunt in our houses.
In Kestrel class, we made pom pom angels which were made from white glittery wool, dolly pegs and gold glittery felt.
We had a great time making them and they look fabulous on our Kestrel Class Christmas tree!
Merry Christmas!
Father Christmas paid us a visit to Kestrel Class on the last day of term and kindly gave us each a present! We had a great time talking to him and meeting his elf!