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Schools have a legal responsibility to promote children's welfare by taking steps to prevent young people from being drawn into terrorism, extremism and radicalisation.

Schools have been tasked to build young people's resilience and promote British Values to prevent radicalisation. They also need to provide a safe place in which children can have age appropriate discussions of some potentially controversial topics and be given the knowledge and confidence to challenge extremist beliefs.


In our school, we do this in the following ways:

  • ​Ensure staff and Governors have received appropriate training.
  • Have a Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads as well as a Link Governor.
  • Risk assess visitors, visits and speakers in school.
  • Promote our Christian Values: Hope, Respect, Compassion, Courage, Perseverance, responsibility (See this section of our website).
  • Promote British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Tolerance and Mutual Respect (See this section of our website).
  • Teaching PSHE curriculum (Personal, Social, Health Education).
  • Teaching SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education - see this section of our website).
  • Teaching about other faiths in RE (See this section of our website).
  • Arranging visits and visitors in/out of school eg PCSO, NSPCC.
  • If you would like any further information, please contact the school office.

For other information please refer to the following link:

Parents' Resources - Educate Against Hate


