This term the whole school topic is 'Are we there yet?'
During the first two weeks of school, we begun our pirate learning theme. In English, we learnt the story of Captain Plank's Pirate Adventure. We retold the story as a whole school during an assembly on pirate day. We then had a go at writing our own pirate adventure stories!
We are now focusing on the story of The Pirate Cruncher. We will be learning to write letters, character descriptions, stories and much more!
Our Science topic this term is looking at animals, including humans. We will be investigating what different types of animals like to eat and learning lots about the human body.
In Art and DT we are staying with the pirate theme by producing pirate portraits and making our own pirate ships. Start collecting rubbish from your recycling bin now so you have lots of materials to use for your ship!