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Term 3 and 4


As writers' children will be immersed in the following model texts and learning to write across different genres. 

Talk for Writing texts 

  • The Night Pirates - narrative 

  • The Tin Forest - narrative 

  • Queen Victoria – fact file 

  • Victorian inventions – persuasion  



Year 2 - Shape 

Year 3 - Shape



Chemistry - Materials



Revolution and Civilisation 

Era and Period 18-37 – 1901 


As historians we will be exploring Bristol in the Victorian Era. We will focus on the work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his impact on Bristol including learning about the suspension bridge, temple meads railway station and the SS Great Britain.  

We will also be learning as historians the timeline of the Victorians ad the reign of Queen Victoria. We will look at the significant events in this time period and discuss how this is important in todays society. 



Local Geography 

As geographers children will learn the different regions of the UK and be able to identify that our school and home is within the South-West. We will identify the different waterways within the region. Children will use atlases to locate and name the world’s seven continents and the worlds five oceans. We will look at the geographical features of the earth’s surface and research the locations of hot and cold areas in relation to the equator and the North and South Poles. 


The Environment  

As geographers in Term 4, children will learn about environmental change and habitat destruction. We will know that environments are always changing and can sometimes pose dangers to specific habitats, for example: effects of population and development; deforestation, pollution and litter. 




In term 3 as artists children will be focusing on the skill of print. They will be looking at Donna Gallant and her work with mono print. They will creating their own piece of artwork in this style.  


In term 4, as artists, children will be focusing on the skill of three-dimensional art. They will be using the work of Claes Oldenburg to inspire their own pieces of art. 



As designers’ children will be learning about the mechanisms within toys. We will look at how hinges, pivots, levers and sliders work. We will the create some of our own mechanisms.  


Physical Education






Inventing to a musical story. 

Recognising different sounds. 



Computing skills



RHSE - Jigsaw

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me
