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Term 5 and 6

This term, our driver topic is History on the Groundbreaking Greeks which is looking at the fascinating world of Ancient Greece. We will also be beginning exciting topics in Science, DT and Art.


Groundbreaking Greeks - History

This project teaches children about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.


Human ageing - Science

This project teaches children about animal life cycles, including the human life cycle. They explore human growth and development to old age, including the changes experienced as people grow.


Properties and Changes of Material - Science

This project teaches children about the wider properties of materials and their uses. They learn about mixtures and how they can be separated using sieving, filtration and evaporation. They study reversible and irreversible changes, and use common indicators to identify irreversible changes.


Mixed Media - Art

This project teaches children about paper crafts, papermaking and collage techniques, including paper, fabric, mixed media and photo collage. They use their learning to create a final piece of small-scale, mixed media collage.


Expression - Art

This project teaches children about the Expressionist art movement and the 'Father of Expressionism', Edvard Munch. They explore different ways to portray feelings and emotions in art to create an imaginative self-portrait.


Architecture - DT

This project teaches children about how architectural style and technology has developed over time and then use this knowledge to design a building with specific features.



In English, our new class book is 'Groovy Greeks' by Terry Deary. It's one of the popular Horrible History books and will help support the children's learning in their History topic. Our big write we are working towards is a playscript inspired by some of the Greek plays. The children will be learning about the weird and wonderful Greek Gods and monsters to help inspire some wonderfully creative plays!

