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Term 3 and 4

St Barnabas Church

We enjoyed a lovely spring walk to St Barnabas church with our Year 6 Buddies. Rev Jo Shared the stories from Holy week with us and we had a lovely Easter picnic of hot cross buns in the church garden.

Holy Week

This week we have been learning about Holy week and the different parts of the Easter story.

Palm Sunday- We acted out the story and made our own palm leaves to wave and sing Hosanna, while Jesus arrived by donkey.

Maundy Thursday- We shared the story of the last supper. In our independent learning we acted out parts of the story like washing each other’s feet and sharing bread and wine (squash).

Good Friday- We shared the story of Good Friday. We ate hot cross and talked about how they remind people about the Easter story.
Easter Sunday- In groups we created our own Easter gardens.

We have been learning about "What is cold?" We have looked at different cold places and the animals that live there. We also did investigate how to melt ice and how to stop ice melting.


We waddled like penguins with our eggs!

In Mathematics we investigated measuring and capacity

We celebrated Chinese New Year
