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Court de Wyck Church School is an inclusive, mainstream primary school which provides education for children aged 4-11 years. Our aim is to ensure that all children achieve the very best that they can through accessing a broad, balanced, inspiring and relevant curriculum that is adapted appropriately to the developmental needs of our learners.

We are based in a single storey building which is wheelchair accessible.  


Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Claire Fear, who works part-time all day on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning each week and is contactable through the school office on 01934 833070.

Understanding different areas of need

The SEND Code of Practice groups needs into four broad areas to support schools to plan the provision that they offer;


• Cognition and Learning

• Communication and Interaction

• Social, Emotional and Mental Health 

• Sensory and Physical Needs


These are known as the primary areas of need, however the needs of each individual child can vary within each category and they may also have characteristics that overlap more than one area of need. This is explained further in the following EEF document.

BWMAT SEND - Embedding Practice 

Health and Wellbeing Support
