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Term 5, 2022

This term our learning theme is 'What is at the bottom of the garden?'

We are going to be finding out all about growing plants, looking at different minibeasts and thinking about how to keep our bodies healthy!


Here are some of the lovely stories we are going to be sharing with you.


We have enjoyed starting to plant some of our new flowers in our outside area this week in our wellies.

We have also planted our own vegetables and are growing peas and broad beans. Look how much they have started to grow already - we definitely have green fingers in Robin Class!

Brushing our Teeth

As part of our learning about how to keep ourselves healthy we enjoyed exploring the importance of brushing our teeth. We used the disclosure tablets to show where we had missed bits. We were quite surprised by what they showed each of us and helped us to think about the places where we may need to do some extra brushing. We all thought our purple and bright pink tongue were rather funny.

Healthy Eating- The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We were lucky to have a visit from the team at Chartwells today who provide our school meals. We learnt about how to be a healthy eater, the different food groups and created our own food art based on the story of The Hungry Caterpillar. Best of all we got to eat the different fruits and vegetables and enjoyed tasting some new things like grapefruit, spinach and mint leaves as well as more familiar strawberries, grapes, sweetcorn, cucumber, carrot and lemon.
